Monday, November 26, 2007

Running out of places to submit...

I have been searching for magazines to submit to and i am really surprised by how few there really are! Most read like scams, like submit so they can make a book and sell it to you for 30 dollars. no thanks. Others are backed up to sometime next year and are not excepting submissions.

I'm not looking for any money, would just like to see if i could actually write something, anything, that someone might enjoy reading...

Imagine if we didn't have Google? how would i find anything to submit too! Well, i will be done with this weeks entry in a few days and then off to submit it. Its a little sci fi, set in the future, some comedy worked in...

hopefully i can find a place to send to, i don't want send it to an online website that will just publish it on the web. Much rather an actual print place, but hey, i guess anything is something, right?


Unknown said...

1st of all, thanks for commenting on my 'Things I Find' blog.
2nd, you really need to invest in a good, current copy of "The Writer's Market". It will up your chance of getting published by the thousands! It has lists of all magazines that buy freelance and their requirements, ect. PLUS excellent advice on breaking into the market.
Keep up the good blogging and I'll keep reading!

Unknown said...

Hey, you left a comment over on my blog saying you'd be interested in reading my story and giving your opinion. And, well, I am interested. Could you send me an email using the "Contact Me" link on the left hand sidebar of my site? I could really use the eyes of someone who reads science fiction and enjoys it.


KC Loomis said...

Hey thanks for visiting, I am fairly new to the whole writing/blogging thing, so feel free to pass on any info about ways to do it better!

Reojames - no problem, you have a cool site, love the randomness... would make for a great coffee table book... hmmm.... just kidding! ill stick to my fiction!

s.m.d. - i used your site and sent you an email - no problem, look forward to reading what you wrote!