Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Holidays

I am about ready for the holidays, no more work just some time with the family. Well, not sure what is really more stressful, but better then work i guess. I am still working on carving out time to get my balance of paying work, personal life and time to write. Haven't sent anything out in a while, but, hope to by the end of year.

I reread a few times weight issues and identified a lot i could rewrite or change up, hopefully it will make the story flow a little better and i will resend before new years.

well, merry Christmas to everyone! hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for linking me. I just wanted to make a correction though. it's World in the Satin Bag, not Life. I imagine in some ways Life is relevant, since the novel itself is somewhat about life in the Satin Bag, but it's sort of important it is correct.

Thanks for the link!