Friday, December 14, 2007

Gut Check

Over the last few months, my job had slowed down. I work on a computer all day and was in between projects. This provided me a great time to do my writing and get paid :) ... but now, my work is in full swing. I am putting in 55 plus hours a week and my nights are generally spent trying to relax enough to sleep so i can repeat the cycle. So, when do i write exactly?

I haven't had a good idea for a short story in a little bit, and have tried to sit down and write, anything, something... it helps I wrote a 500 word scene here and there, but nothing i can string together as of yet.

I still have 4 submissions out there and am trying to find another place to resubmit "weight issues" *my rejected first and only response so far*

So really trying to find at period of night to carve out to write, but then, what if i don't have an idea? or really an inspiration to really do it... Well, that's where i am at.... I had hoped to send out a story this week, not going to happen.

My goal is now this... try to have 3 or 4 short stories out trying to be submitted and starting January 1st, i will begin the novel, that is, if i can start being more serious about writing and actually, you know, writing!

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